If you lived overseas b4 like I have your family has a higher chance of going scdf. 00. Aces And Eights** Pat Esper (USA) - February 2016. SEC 2 ¼ Step, Flick, Walk, Walk, Out, Out, Drop, Swivet ¼ Turn 1-2 Turn ¼ left step left forward bending knees, straighten legs flicking right back (9:00)Batch Job Scheduling. The development environment is intended for quick exploration of SCDF for Kubernetes. Other than that, it is pretty good except you're on call. Filter. Check out these SAFE STEPS to make the planet healthier and safer! SAFE STEPS KIDS is a multi-platform public service programme created by Prudence Foundation, in. When You Smile - Rune Rudberg. No Can Do - Restless Road. FeaturesBasic Rescue Training in SCDF will be conducted 4 weeks after the 8-week Physical Training Phase (PTP). 1-2 Step L side, cross step R behind L. tgz Use the Docker command-line interface (CLI) tool to authenticate to your registry. Welcome to a year-round centre of celebration. However when deploying the stream, the status does not change from "Deploying" and it eventually Fails. Access and exit facilities not specifically covered in this Code shall not be used without the approval of the SCDF. Let's Get Fired Up. AT THE END OF THE SONG, TURN ¼ LEFT TO FINISH FACING 12:00. The task_args. SEC 1 Step, Touch Behind, Back Sweep, Sailor Step, Kick Ball Point, ¼ Monterey, Hitch. Thank you to Emmy Legni for this fantastic track. 1 – 2 step R to the back with 1/ 2 turn L – step L with ½ turn L. json: deployment properties, used to deploy the stream; YAML files: one for each app of the stream, with business. 3) It is required. HEEL, HEEL, TOE. 8. End dance with your L hip bumps turning ¼ L - 12:00. Start with weight on L foot. A class of recruits will undergo basic firefighting training. di. After Basic Rescue, those PES A/B with no criminal record will to CDA and go for fire training as Firefighters (3 months) or Sect Comdr (6 months). Over Ons website builder. Welkom op de website SCDF. TADA!!! This dance is dedicated to Colin’s Grandad “James” who was Colin’s TRUSTFALL. 7&8 Shuffle forward right-left-right (cha-cha) 1-2 Step left forward, turn ½ right onto left sweeping right foot around. HQ typically consists of the administrative and policy making staff. SCDF has been at the pandemic frontlines since the start of COVID-19. One of the most. 6. =Advanced. 1-2 Step right forward, kick left forward. 2023 20 SEP 5. Rainy Day People Raisin' Me a Country Girl Reckless Abandon Reno Right Girl Wrong Time Right In The Middle. 3-4& Dig left heel to left diagonal, HOLD, Step left next to right. 132. PES Status. vr. . 7,8 Step R 1/4 turn over R shoulder (7), Step L forward (8) Tag happens here on wall 1, V step, 1,2 Step R diagonal R (1), Step L diagonal L (2) 3,4 Step R back (3), Step L next to R (4) Repeat and Enjoy!! Last Update – 26 Sept. 48,402. Deze zijn allemaal binnen gekomen via de email, dus alle dansen zijn origineel van binnenkomst. It was posted on the Facebook and Instagram pages of Singapore Incidents on Tuesday (Feb 21). 1-4 Cross right toe over left, drop right heel, step back left toe, drop left heel. 32 Count 4 Wall High Improver Line Dance - Lee Hamilton (SCO) &. Contact: niels@love-to-dance. (1884 Views) Glass of Wine. Its configuration provisions a RabbitMQ message broker and a PostgreSQL. TIP! Op zoek naar een stepsheet en u krijgt deze niet gevonden? Typ een gedeelte van de naam in bij 'Zoeken voor een dansnaam', klik daarna op 'Zoeken'. com Last Update - 5 Mar 2022 8 MAR '22. The. 9. Finish the two cross rock side steps on count 28. 00A. Notes: 1 restart during the 3rd wall after 16 counts. Dance 20 Counts but make a Chasse 1/4 Right to the front to finish. a. Klik hier welke dansen verwerkt zijn. 1 tag during the 7th wall after 16 counts. We’ll consider the Docker-driven local installation by using the docker-compose file hosted over the Spring Cloud Data Flow Github repo but make some modifications to it. phase The name of the phase variable. These sensors will enhance SCDF’s capabilities to conduct real-time sense making and enable early detection, monitoring of, and response to incidents involving hazardous materials. 11. London Community Gospel Cho. 1 Step right back sweeping left from front to back. SINGAPORE — A Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) officer will be charged in court on Monday (Oct 16) for allegedly leaving a full-time national serviceman (NSF) alone in a burning flat to fight the fire. K-STEP. During fire tests SCDF then directed Setsco to conduct on a sample of the affected doors, 99 doors were found to be non-compliant. (1) The brand, model and test report number of hardware shall be displayed on the CoC, including, but not limited to: (a) Door closer; (b) Locks and latches (electromechanically operated); (c) Door coordinator devices; (d) Door bolts; 2. By Elena Chong. SCDF for Kubernetes provides Kustomize configuration files for a development environment and for a production environment. nl. CALLS FOR EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES. Golden rule that I learnt too. She. 14/10/2016 - Circular on 14 Joint Controlled Substances by SCDF and NEA (PDF, 186. End of dance. Scroll naar beneden om te kijken waar we nu zijn met het verwerken. Good welfare in division life. We feature here seven cool pieces of tech that are being used or tested by the SCDF. Fire Safety and Shelter Department (FSSD)Fire Certificate | SCDF. Flying Eight. 7-8 LF walk back, RF touch next to LF. 4 secs. The development environment is intended for quick exploration of SCDF for Kubernetes. Ending: At the end of wall 7: 1 – 2 Make ¼ turn left stomping R to right side, snap your fingers (Right hand) Last Update: 2 Aug 2022. The Code of Practice for Fire Precautions in Buildings, hereinafter called “the Code” or “this Code”, serves to establish the minimum requirements for fire safety provisions in all buildings. Restart here on wall 3 and 7 facing 12’, keep your weight on L to kick R. 232. The main role of SCDF is to provide fire-fighting, rescue and emergency medical services; mitigating hazardous materials incidents, as well as formulate, implement and enforce regulations on fire safety and civil. 1-4 Kick right forward twice, step ¼ turn right on right, touch left to right. G1 2018. SS 332, BS 476 Pt22 22. 1. 15 Apr 2021 12:05PM (Updated: 15 Apr 2021 12:14PM) SINGAPORE: The Civil Defence Academy (CDA) will be redeveloped over the next three years to have more realistic training facilities, including. heard they will offer rcc trainees sign. Easy Come, Easy Go - George Strait. 7&8 Triple left, right, left forward. SCDF for Kubernetes provides Kustomize configuration files for a development environment and for a production environment. Ending: Finish on count 32 facing back wall looking over left shoulder on same count. 1. ago. Er kan weer worden ingezonden voor de Top 25 die eind oktober verschijnt. The application for Registered Inspector (RI) is opened from 1 Nov 2023 to 30 Nov 2023. These Links below will open a PDF of the Step sheet for each Line Dance. 3 My Broken Heart. SCDF stepsheets. Rock-Recover-Rock Recover-Rock Recover-1/4 Turn Right. 11 mins long. Note: If you know of any other socials or events which are not listed on this site, and would like them to be. In the facility, trainees will work on team preparation and planning prior to arriving at an incident; medical. Apr 8, 2010. 5-6 Step right forward, kick left forward. Ghost Train. Micrometer. Notes: 1 Bridge - 6th wall, dance first 16 counts - then continue dance from count 33. Engagement of a Fire Safety Manager will help owners of. Take Me Home. It is also common practice to arrive 30 minutes earlier to cover any crew that. 5,6,7 Touch R toe side, turn ¼ right stepping R next to L, touch L toe side. , values = c(A = 2,3,5,4,3, B = 6,5,4,3) will create an AB phase design with five and four measurements). RIGHT ARM OUT, LEFT ARM OUT / RIGHT PALM UP, LEFT PALM UP WITH ALTERNATING HEEL DROPS: 1 Point right arm straight forward, palm down lift left heel, drop right heel. Christmas Everyday Judy Rodgers (USA) - November 2023. The SCDF staff strength is further augmented by our committed partners and 1,000 crisis volunteers. SS 333 (includes fire-resistance test, air leakage test, spring force test and closing reliability test) 21. This allows the hospital to anticipate and prepare resources before. Music: 5 Leaf Clover - Luke Combs : (Amazon) Count In : 48 counts from very start of track approx. The application for Registered Inspector (RI) is opened from 1 Nov 2023 to 30 Nov 2023. Liar Liar Pants on Fire. Intro: 32 counts (20 secs) S1: WALK, WALK, SWING FORWARD, SWING BACK, L COASTER, R LOCK STEP 1-2 Walk forward on right, Walk forward on left1&2 Step R forward, Step L behind R ankle, Step R forward. SEC 1 Back Sweep, Weave, Scissor Step, ⅝ Hinge, Walk, Walk. 2023 12 FEB 4 25 FEB '23 50. 1-2 RF step forward, LF step forward. 3&4 Left sailor step. Vul hiervoor het Formulier in of Mail me met uw persoonlijke Top 15. CopperKnob is an App which allows you to browse over 130,000 linedance stepsheets from the CopperKnob website. Spring Cloud Data Flow (SCDF) is a cloud-native orchestration service for composing microservice based applications on modern runtimes. &3,4 step right beside left point left hold. 32 Count 4 Wall Improver Music: A Love Song For You - Rio Wang (汪睿) : (Album: Love is Sweet OST) Gonna Be You Jasmine Wang (MY), Christine Chiam (MY) & Jen Lim (MY) - November 2023. 1 Answer. 7 Swivel both heels to left. Country. Start Now. Setup for SCDF. If you have enjoyed watching our video and. com Find us on Facebook: TheDanceFactoryUK. 8 Touch right beside left. SINGAPORE - The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) will in early 2023 deploy a pair of its new emergency vehicles that will take its firefighting and rescue capabilities to new heights. SEC 1 Cross, Hold, Side, Together, Hold, Slow Weave. website builder. Tag after wall 9 (facing 09. Poupie) - Shaggy Marie Claude Gil & Séverine Fillion. rest of the track is mainly instrumental. 5-6 Step right back, hold. PARTNERDANSEN. [1 – 8 [ R ROCKING CHAIR, R. Your gonna meet alot of people who are gonna be closer to you then ur own family and your gonna meet alot of people who are fucking retarded (a lot). Sex scandals in the Singapore Civil Defence Force are dragging the reputation of the once-proud emergency response service through the mud. In 2022, SCDF EMS personnel conveyed about 4,870 COVID-19 positive cases and over 19,580 suspected cases. 3-4 Step right to side, step left together. 5. 1&2 Step right forward, touch left behind right, step left back sweeping right from front to back. Music: Drinkaby - Cole Swindell. 3&4 RF cross behind LF, LF step on place, RF little step back. Setup for SCDF. 7&8 Step L back, Recover forward onto R, Step L forward. 2 Six Days. SCDF – A member of the Home Team HQ SINGAPORE CIVIL DEFENCE FORCE, 91 UBI AVENUE 4, SINGAPORE 408827 TEL: 68481467 FAX: 68481490 EMAIL:TAN_Chung_Yee@scdf. 225. She Ain't Me. 64 Count 2 Wall Intermediate Line Dance - Darren Bailey (UK) - May 2023. This means you only do 4 walls of the dance. Lovely wee dance. It's Easy. Published October 14, 2023. Please convey the contents of this circular to members of your Board/ Institution/ Association. 1-2 Step left forward, hold. 5-6-7&8 Side rock left -recover on right- shuffle forward on left. . To learn about the basic scaling concepts in Spring Cloud Data Flow, see the Scaling guide. WALK, WALK, POINT, CROSS, POINT, CROSS, FORWARD-ROCK. Stepsheets : Eigen choreografieën. This was a 11. The duration of your BRT is dependent on your PES status, although for most NSFs, the entire duration is 4 weeks. mt The name of the. With that. The Singapore Civil Defence Force ( SCDF) is a uniformed organisation in Singapore under the Ministry of Home Affairs that provides emergency services such as firefighting, technical rescue, and emergency medical services, and coordinates national civil defence programme. The Composed Task Runner (CTR) parses the graph DSL and, for each node in. vr. During the operation, the serviceman fell unconscious in the kitchen area. =Improver; Int. nl | Total stepsheets 26460. Besides signing on, you should plan your career with options to advance your education. yml file. Start with weight on L foot. 8) SCDF’s myResponder Mobile Application 14 Chapter 2 – Unconscious Casualty (Non-Cardiac Arrest) 16 1) Head and Spinal Injuries 19 2) Heat Disorders 22 3) Fits 24 4) Fainting 25 5) Low Blood Sugar 2622 dancers from The Shepherd One for All Linedance . com. Maggie Gallagher. An admin or someone with enough privileges can help set it up once for the given SCDF deployment, so the CRUD operations are governed within the cluster boundaries. SCDF has a HQ that is located at Paya Labar. Leave her Johnney. xfdx scdf-waiver application fssd-0-wvfsr02. 23 December 2021 - Danssheets. Duration. GREETINGS AND ENJOY. Memory Lane - Old Dominion. FIRE SAFETY GUIDELINES - SCDF 20. General. Stepsheets can be saved locally to allow for use when there is no internet connection available, with facilities to search for sheets based on the Title, Choreographer, Music or Any Category. 64 Count 4 Wall Easy Intermediate Line Dance - Anthony Maxence (FR) - December 2022. This comes as SCDF expects an increase in the number of emergency medical services calls due to Singapore’s ageing population. Good for newish beginners practicing the figure 8's. 1610 Jubilee Ave #208, Victoria, BC V8R 6P3. M. 00) 7 LF step beside RF and do a hip bump to the left. 3 My Broken Heart. 3-4 Step left back, touch right back. New Felix Navidad. 1-2 Sway body right, sway body left. ,). Jo Thompson Szymanski – Highlands Ranch, Colorado USA - jothompsonszy@gmail. The SCDF website has starter guides for Local, Kubernetes, and Cloud Foundry. The programmatic approach to building data pipelines remains one of the popular methods in SCDF. Smile With You Lucy Aprilina Lo (INA) & Denny Jay Naim (INA) - November 2023. 1-2 Step right forward diagonal, step left next to right. 225. xfd fssd-waiver application scdf-0-ncqpterm. executionid property represents the Task ID, as known inside Data Flow and persisted in the TASK_EXECUTION table. &78 and step forward on right pivot 1/4 turn left. Lights On The Hill Contra. FOR PUBLIC and INDUSTRIAL PREMISES. SINGAPORE — Since the death of a full-time national serviceman (NSF) by suicide, the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) has strengthened its support for new recruits. 15 secs. Cha Tango - Dave Sheriff. The 1st SCDF Div HQ, previously at Kim Keat Camp at Jalan Rajah, was built in 1963 as a primary school before it was allotted to the SCDF and converted to become the HQ for the 1st CD Division to cover areas in the southern parts of Singapore. 27. Like direct-entry lieutenants, your salary in this role depends on various factors, including: Whether you have relevant work experience. ROCK STEPS, TWO ¼ PADDLE TURNS. 7-8 Step left back, touch right back. 9 per cent increase from the 190,882 calls in 2020. Finish the dance on count 1 of wall 5 stomping R fwd and facing 12:00 again 12:00. SCDF responded to a total of 213,615 emergency medical services (EMS) calls in 2021. 17 seconds in – start on the word ‘I ‘. Thanks fiidim, your answer helps us. It is the apps themselves that rely on it at runtime. To design a functional and stylish uniform in recognition of their selfless contribution to firefighting and disaster management, Raffles Product Designers Ivana ELVIANY, LUANGKHOT Siphaseuth, Michelle BILLY, and. Bump hips L [4] 6,00. 25 Aug 2023. Music: One Beer In Front Of The Other - Jordan Davis : (Album: Bluebird Days - iTunes) Intro: 32 (start on vocals) [1-8] STEP RIGHT DIAGONAL FORWARD, HEEL/ TOE TWIST, POINT FORWARD, POINT SIDE. 24 Count 4 Wall Absolute Beginner Music: I Put a Spell On You - Annie Lennox. Its soft launch was. 124 Count 1 Wall Phrased Advanced Music: Falling Apart - Michael Schulte. If got poly diploma and fit, high chance go to SCC but no guarantee. Divisions operate as a self sufficient organisation that reports back to HQ. Last Update: 22 Feb 2023. It supports downsampling, automatically expiring and deleting unwanted data, as well as backup and restore. Their first published stepsheet on CopperKnob is Shame from May 2017, with their most recent stepsheet of Shadow in the Dawn (de) in November 2023. 5 – 6 Rock R forward (5), Recover on L (6) (Option: Put hands like. spring. com Last Update - 8 April 2021 22 AUG '21 100Enlisting with the SCDF as a direct-entry sergeant means you can earn between $2,547 - $2,753 per month. These are some common use-cases for Spring Cloud Data Flow. 20 December 2021 - Danssheets. Fire Code 2023 | SCDF. SCDF responded to a total of 213,615 emergency medical services (EMS) calls in 2021. Intro: 16 Counts, Start at approx 16 secs. 00) S1: Step/Touch 2X, Step/Together, Step Flick. 35. 64 Count 2 Wall Intermediate Line Dance - Alison Johnstone (AUS) & Colin Ghys (BEL) - February 2023. NOTE: To finish the dance, you’ll be facing 3:00 right before you start the 4th 8-count [25-32]. 3&4 Step R behind L, Step L to left, Cross R over L. Falling Apart Serge Thomas (LUX) - November 2023. Tag: At the end of Wall 7. Arms Raise right hand to right side with 2 fingers up. The Composed Task Runner (CTR) parses the graph DSL and, for each node in the graph. 1 - 3 Step forward L, Hitch R knee over 2 counts. Official website. Reaction score. Revised/Clarification. Music: Macarena - Los del Mar. Start Again! Ending Wall 7 is your last wall (starts facing 3:00). View / Add Comments. Lists of the CopperKnob. Maandelijks verstuurd All Country een. Fun styling: swing both hands backwards brushing hips (5), swing both hands forwards brushing hips (6) 3:00 &7&8 Lift both heels off the floor (&), push heels into floor and clap hands (7), repeat heel bounces and clap hands (&8) 3:00Night Fever - Bee Gees. SCDF wrote: "Unfortunately in this incident, the crew encountered difficulty in deploying the life pack due to ground constraints, primarily arising from the obstruction by trees and shrubs, and. 1-2 Rock step right fwd, recover on left. 32 Count - Wall - Music: AA - Walker Hayes. 1. Riverboots Country stepsheets. Fire-rated Lift-landing/ Dump Waiter Door/ Hatch Door 1. Email: - Country: - 3 J'sSCDF's new role in this approval process would be one of setting requirements and enforcement. do. Klik hier welke dansen verwerkt zijn. io 35. SCDF sent a group of 20 officers on Feb 8 to the Turkish town of Kahramanmaras, near the quake’s epicentre, to help with rescue operations. Stepsheets Dansen -R- Dansen 2023. The main role of SCDF is to provide fire-fighting, rescue and emergency ambulance services; mitigating hazardous materials incidents, as well as formulate, implement and enforce regulations on fire safety and civil defence. Wedding gift for my dear friends Maryline & Azdine. Beginners 2018. SCDF attendees learning how to build an app with HTX. 3&4 Cross RF behind LF, Step LF to L side, Step RF to R side 5 Cross LF over RF. WALL 1 RESTART: Dance 52 counts and restart the dance facing back wall. Victoria is the capital city of the Canadian province of British Columbia, on the southern tip of Vancouver Island off Canada's Pacific coast. I would start with your security configuration. 5-6 Point left to side, cross step left over right. Maple Leaf LDWML - 22 Juni 2019 Dans: Choreograaf: Country : Arcade: Daniel Trepat, Jose Miguel Belloque Vane & Jean-Pierre Madge: Nee : Country MileTo connect to the server: Run the following kubectl command to determine the DNS name: $ kubectl get ingress scdf-ingress NAME HOSTS ADDRESS PORTS AGE scdf-ingress data-flow. For payment of Fire Safety Plans, Licences, Ambulance fees, Fines and other SCDF services. 2023 15 MAY 8 25 MAY '23 50. Access and exit facilities not specifically covered in this Code shall not be used without the approval of the SCDF. 4 - 6 Step back R, Hook L over R over 2 counts. 1. 1-2 Cross right over left, hold. Once scheduled, it is the platform (PCF. TIP! Op zoek naar een stepsheet en u krijgt deze niet gevonden? Typ een gedeelte van de naam in bij 'Zoeken voor een dansnaam', klik daarna op 'Zoeken'. A special thank you to Ami Walker and Jo Thompson for their input. Search by Dance title: Dance Title Choreographer Song and Artist Level Date $ in my Pocket: Jen Shepherd: All that Heaven will Allow by The Mavericks: Beginner: November 2017: 10:35: Hiroko Carlsson: 10:35 by Tiësto ft. Music: When I Get Old - Christopher & CHUNG HA. 7-8 1/2 turn right stepping right fwd, 1/2. Klik hier welke dansen verwerkt zijn. TADA!!! This dance is dedicated to Colin’s Grandad “James” who was Colin’s TRUSTFALL. Got close friends in both SCDF and audit. Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) The main role of SCDF is to provide fire-fighting, rescue and emergency medical services; mitigating hazardous materials incidents, as well as formulate, implement and enforce regulations on fire safety and civil defence shelter matters. 6 KB) 18/07/2016 - Simplification to SCDF Import Licence Application (PDF, 144 KB) 08/06/2015 - Revision of Fees in the Fire Safety (Petroleum and Flammable Materials) Regulations, CAP 109A, RG7 (PDF, 78 KB)Scale-out a streaming pipeline with SCDF shell. The SCDF operator asked him to go to the centralised rubbish chute room on the ground floor, and Mr Syamil was told how to open the door. 1 In My Arms Tonight. Music: In The Dark - Purple Disco Machine & Sophie and the Giants. 30 rolling hips. 2023 23 JUL 4 16 AUG '23 100. 32 Count 2 Wall Beginner Music: Dancing In the Moonlight - Derek Ryan. Scroll naar beneden om te kijken waar we nu zijn met het verwerken. 17-11-2023. Let Me Into Your Heart. STEP R, STEP L, R KNEE ON THE FLOOR, DO A HEART W/ YOUR HANDS. SCDF stepsheets. 1 Touch right toe forward. Your new “partner” is now a different person to your right front diagonal and so forth on each wall. Before we jump to the demo walk-through, we review how you can configure global properties centrally in SCDF. Over Ons SCDF | Danssheets / Stepsheets / Line dance. Yes. SCDF looks forward to closer collaboration with its key partners to make this digital transformation. & Right next to left. We have had DataflowTemplate and DataflowOperations, which helped with automating the programmatic registration of apps and defining and deploying streams and tasks (see example). Or, we want to perform data ingestion, ETL, real-time data analytics, and data import/export. Music: Still Young - Charlotte Perrelli. Music: Gold - Loi. 1-4 Step R back, step L back, step R back, step L back. Last Update - 9 July 2023 - R1. 3. The new command vehicles will come with a 12m-tall camera mast with 30 times zoom to monitor the incident site, as well as a large screen with multiple video feeds to show visual and map information from different sources, including body cameras and SCDF drones. 14 Oct 2023 08:00PM (Updated: 14 Oct 2023 10:29PM) SINGAPORE: The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) said on Saturday (Oct 14) that it is investigating a second officer after a firefighting. But these job parameters which in turn are the datasource properties including the db password present in the configmap are being printed in logs as Job parameters, and batch_job_execution_params table. Start again and have FUN ! 32 Count 2 Wall Beginner Line Dance - Monika Mickein (DE) - August 2012. Gloria Estefan & Debbie Harry) - Dolly Parton, Belinda Carlisle & Cyndi Lauper. 32 Count 4 Wall Improver Music: A Love Song For You - Rio Wang (汪睿) : (Album: Love is Sweet OST) Gonna Be You Jasmine Wang (MY), Christine Chiam (MY) & Jen Lim (MY) - November 2023. 11 Januari 2022 - Donaties. 5-6 RF step right diagonal back right, LF step together. TIP! Op zoek naar een stepsheet en u krijgt deze niet gevonden? Typ een gedeelte van de naam in bij 'Zoeken voor een dansnaam', klik daarna op 'Zoeken'. Brooks & Dunn) (Remix) - DJ. FORWARD LOCK - FORWARD LOCK SHUFFLE - FORWARD ROCK - BACKWARD LOCK SHUFFLE. In comparison, the median graduate starting salary for diploma holders and NITEC (without NS) is $2,614. First, for each target statement sequence, SCDF considers the order of the statements which are explored. You can make a difference between life and death by knowing what is an emergency. The Singapore Civil Defence Force ( SCDF) is a uniformed organisation in Singapore under the Ministry of Home Affairs that provides emergency services such as firefighting, technical rescue, and emergency medical services, and coordinates national civil defence programme. Playboys - Midland : (Album: Let It Roll) Music Available on Download from iTunes & Intro: 16 Counts (start on the lyrics “Right Place”) Choreographers Note: Due to the unique phrasing of the music there are a few walls where you will have to take off the last 4 counts of the dance.